Billy Bear's Painting holds the highest standards of workmanship for residential and commercial painting. We deliver a warrantied finished product which lasts. We only use top quality paints and materials, including BEHR & Sherman Williams Paints, Minwax and other superior products. We take pride in offering unmatched customer service, from initial project consultation to after service follow up. We are communicative, detail oriented and honest.
From start to finish, we maintain the highest integrity and standards. This begins with the initial free bid and extends to several months after project completion. We work directly with our clients every step of the way to ensure we are meeting expectations.
Competitive pricing is important to us and our clients. By keeping our operation lean we are able to pass along those savings to our customer. Every project starts with a free, no obligation bid.
Your satisfaction is our best form of advertising. We treat every home or commercial property as if it were our own. Our business is built on customer retention and referrals. The list of clients that we continue to service today dates back to the mid 1990s.
In addition to interior painting and exterior painting, we also offer a number of other services, including drywall repair and texture work, cabinet refinishing, wood refinishing, pressure washing, roof treatment, deck treatment, wallpaper stripping and concrete staining and epoxy.
To see examples of past work, please visit our photo gallery.
Billy Bear's Painting services Boise, Meridian, Eagle, Star, Nampa, Caldwell and surrounding cities.
Please call or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for a free, no obligation bid.