Interior Painting

Every interior paint project is different and we begin each job with the utmost professionalism, care and customer focused approach as we have been for the last 20 years serving the Boise, Idaho area. For a better idea of the interior paint process, please read below.

Every wall, ceiling and cabinet is painted with a latex or oil based paint. Latex is most common while oil based paint provides a more durable surface. Latex is applied to walls and ceilings. Oil based paint, like high gloss, satin and flat gloss is usually used in kitchens, bathrooms, trim and doors.

Billy Bear's Painting wants to ensure they deliver a paint job that will last. By using only premium paint products, the paint goes on faster, applies move evenly and lasts longer. Higher quality paints are manufactured with better ingredients that increase durability and extends lifetime of the paint. Cheaper paint usually contains clay and filters which result in poor paint coverage.

Selecting colors that compliment your house is very important. We work closely with the owner to ensure the color they select is the color that accents their room. We treat each color application with the same care regardless of applications on drying times.

Before applying the first coat of paint, each room of the house is carefully cleaned, taped and cleared of any furniture or fixtures. Drop cloths and protective tarps are also laid out when necessary.

If you would like a hassle-free, no obligation quote, please contact Billy Bear's Painting for a free estimate.

Interior Photos

Free Estimates

If you have any questions please call us at 208-859-7931, email us or use our contact form to schedule your free, no obligation quote.