Billy Bear's Painting are experts with exterior painting jobs. For over 23 years, Bill has been painting homes and businesses in the Treasure Valley. We use quality paints, offer superior workmanship and excellent customer service.
A new coat of paint will increase value of your home and protect against the changing weather elements. Billy Bear's Painting realizes your home is an important asset and proper painting will keep it looking new for years.
Before beginning any exterior painting job in Boise, Billy Bear's Painting will meet with the prospective clients to inspect the condition of the building's exterior. Peeling and cracking are common with homes in the Boise area. If you house was recently painted and this is occuring, you may want to talk to your previous painters to learn why. Examining the siding, trim, windows and looking for rotting wood will give us a better understanding of what the project will entail. To remove dirt, chipped paint and other elements a thorough pressure washing of the property is sometimes necessary.
The other common reason for an exterior painting job is the home owner is ready for a change of pace and simply wishes to change the exterior paint color of their home. Billy Bear's Painting understands the exterior color of house is an extension of an owner's personality and it as important to us as the home owner they get exactly the color they have in mind. Most homes exteriors are painted in a combination of three colors. We work closely with our clients to help select paint for the siding, windows, doors, railings and accents and trim, molding and eaves. We will make suggestions based on the color of the roof, mortar and other exterior color surrounding the home. A fresh coat of paint applied in the proper combination of colors not only enhances the home's appearance but it can also help to hide flaws and other issues. In the end it is up to the homeowner to decide the color choice, but we are there during the selection process guiding and offering support.
If you would like a hassle-free, no obligation quote, please contact Billy Bear's Painting for a free estimate.