About Us

Billy Bear's Painting is a full service painting company striving to meet each and every one of its customer's needs. Specializing in residential and mid-size commercial work, we take on small to quite sizable jobs.

We understand the importance of each phase of the painting process. From the initial stages of preparation including sanding, scraping, caulking, puttying and priming, to the final application of top coat, we believe each phase is as imporatant as the next.

No matter the scope or size of your painting project, we guarantee that your expectations will be met. A satisfied customer is our best source of referrals.

William Navarro (Owner)

Bill is a 4th generation Idahoan who has worked in the Treasure Valley construction industry for over 23 years. He attended Boise High and Boise State University. When not working he enjoys spending time with his children Raymond and Aidan as well as whitewater rafting and fishing.

If you have any questions about the services offered by Billy Bear's Painting please feel free to contact him at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Free Estimates

If you have any questions please call us at 208-859-7931, email us or use our contact form to schedule your free, no obligation quote.